Imani Youth Acdemy Parent Information and Tutorial Center

Imani Youth Academy Parent Information and Tutorial Center
Vision and Mission
Educational Resources
=> Reading Activities
=> Help Your Child at Home
=> How to Tame Temper Tantrum
=> Ending Power Struggles
=> Children and Arguing
=> Seven Strategies to Open a Students' Minds
=> Counseling Tips for School Personnel
=> Report Card Advice
Violence Prevention Initiative
No Child Left Behind" Free Tutoring SES
Tips for the Month
Upcoming Events
Ohio Department of Education Math Standard Lesson Grade 3
Glossary of Education Terms


When children's grades are low, parents usually know what to do. We help children focus on study skills and other ways to improve their grades. We might meet with teachers to discuss new approaches. 
But what if your child gets all A's? Some parents make the mistake of looking for something that can be improved. "Why did you get an A- instead of an A?" they might ask. But this can deflate and anger your child. He can go through school and life thinking—nothing he does is "good enough." Some children become perfectionists, never satisfied with their efforts. And some become frustrated and stop trying so hard. 
A much better response to a good report card is to:
  • Show your satisfaction. Compliment your child's efforts.
  • Talk about what your child is doing that's working.
  • Ask your child what his favorite subject is and build on it.
  • Invite your child to teach you something he has learned.
  • Tell your child you're there to help if needed.

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4249 Verona Road, South Euclid, Ohio 44121 (216) 291-8427
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